Friday, December 7, 2007

Bad Luck

Well, we've decided that Geof has a gray cloud hanging over his head this week. This past Saturday he had another bike wreck. It wasn't too major. His chain locked up on him again, so he flew off the bike and skid across the pavement pretty hard. He landed on his knee cap, so he busted up his knee pretty bad (nothing broken). And the road rash on his backside was really bad, but is already healing. So, he was limping around for a few days... He says he's done with cycling for a while. He is frustrated to say the least.
Tuesday evening he was driving home from work when a lady rear-ended him on I-24. She never slowed down. He was not hurt, but we think his car is totaled. Should find out Monday. We just finished paying off that car. And if that isn't enough, here's the kicker - his $4000 bike was in the trunk. Squashed. The trunk couldn't be opened. We have great car insurance - not sure yet if they'll cover the bike. Unfortunately, the stupid lady didn't have car insurance. Our insurance company is going after her for sure!! She will be in big trouble. For the love. Merry Christmas.

Mom, Aunt Sandy, Connie, Kellie, Sarah, and Mimi are all taking a girls trip to Nashville to see me sing in the Christmas concert next weekend. Should be a fun time!! I cannot wait!

I don't have any new pictures to share right now, but hope to soon. Max is doing well. He's at doggie daycamp today, which means we will have a nice and calm weekend. They wear him out so hard at daycamp! He comes home and sleeps for days. Love it.

Happy Friday!!

1 comment:

Amy Porter said...

Oh man...I hate to hear all of that, but glad that Geof is okay! What a mess!!!

Enjoy your girl time!! Your mimi was telling me that they were going to see fun!