Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wedding Bells...

Well, if you haven't heard by now - my brother got engaged Saturday! He and Lindsay were going to meet my sister and the kids at the Dallas Arboretum to have a picnic and take Easter pictures. Little did Lindsay know... he was going to propose to her!! She was apparently SHOCKED and so excited. Both families met for lunch at the Arboretum and congratulated the couple, etc. And little did they know - I was there too! It was a big surprise for John David. I had been helping him plan the engagement all week and then I walked up at the picnic. I wish you could have seen the look on his face when he saw me!! Anyway - here are some pictures from the afternoon...

Not a very good pic of the ring (she had it on backwards so you can't see the front diamonds)...but it is absolutely GORGEOUS! He did good! They are hoping for late October wedding in the Dallas area. No details yet....
We have great pics of Easter too! I'll send those as soon as Sarah sends them to me. She's the one with the great camera!

1 comment:

hejlyeah said...

Hey Amanda! Didn't have your email address handy, but the camera I have is a Nikon D40x. Just has the lens that came with it, but I'm wanting to purchase a bigger lens. It is GREAT. Easy to use, and awesome for fast-moving dogs and kids, etc. We got it at buydig.com for a good price, but you can find them anywhere. Good luck!!