Monday, March 5, 2007

Post Weekend Blues

Well, my sister and brother came in town Friday! We had a WONDERFUL time!! Went out for Mexican food with friends Friday night, went shopping on Saturday, movie on Sunday, etc. We saw "The Last King of Scotland". I highly recommend this movie! It was unbelievable! Forest Whitaker is phenomenal!! Way to represent East Texas!! woohoo!!
Anyway, so now I have the post weekend blues. I took Sarah and JD to the airport this morning and have been moping around ever since. Work is fairly slow today, so that makes things even more blah.
On a more upbeat note... I got a laptop this weekend! I bought a new white Macbook and I love it! It has a camera built in, so I can now talk to my niece and nephew online via camera phone. It is so much fun!! I will say that it will take me a while to get used to the Mac since things are set up very differently. But overall, it is much faster and much more up-to-date than anything else. Love it!

1 comment:

Britney K said...

Sorry about the blues but what I really need to know is how the heck are ya?!
So, I'm getting married in July! I need your address sister!
Life in Dallas is nuts but great!
I am so glad that I found you on here! Please keep in touch with me! I also have a myspace though I don't know the address of it. :)