Thursday, October 2, 2008

I get it.

I am CONVINCED today that God knows exactly what he's doing. ha! You know, some days you just gotta wonder - what on earth?? What is He doing up there?!! Why am I going thru this, or why am I in this place, why did this happen, etc.. But TODAY... yep. I get it. Sometimes it takes stepping back and hearing the story of someone else's journey to truly understand our own path and God's journey for our own lives. I spent about two hours with an old friend last night. Evelyn and I were in the ACU Theatre Dept together. She and her hubby, Chris (also an old ACU buddy who happens to be one of the BEST drummers on earth) live here in Nashville and are expecting a baby boy in two weeks! Anyway, Evelyn and her family suffered an unimaginable tragedy about 4 1/2 years ago when her mother's life was taken. And last night she caught me up on the latest and how God has worked within that tragedy. I am telling you, in my 29 years, I have never heard a testimony like this. It is absolutely mind blowing!! I am hoping that when the time is right she will write a memoir of her mother's life and the journey to forgiveness. I was blessed last night and moved more than I have been moved spiritually in years. Last night I was reminded just why I am a believer.

1 comment:

kelly said...

i totally get what you're saying. i love those moments - they are like being able to take a really deep, full breath to me! let me know when the book comes out!!!